Out of the Valley in Bell Sleeves + Flared Jeans

But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end. Deuteronomy 11:11,12 (NIV)

img_0303It’s Wednesday and I hope you beautiful souls are having a productive and awesome day!

Today, I’m talking about coming out of the valley. Some of us may feel like we’re in the valley right now, and some of us are coming out of our valley. Things may not seem like they’re going your way, it may seem as if it’s going too slow, you may even feel like nothing is happening at all. Let me encourage you to look up and know things are working out for you. 

“Be encouraged in your now and not just your next. Embrace where you are in your life and in this moment… even if you desire more and even if you’re itching for a shift. As we seek God’s presence and look for him throughout our day, we find every single thing we need… especially peace… and when God’s ready, the path.” (Marshawn Evans, Godfidence.com)

For some time I had been in the valley, and it felt like I would never come out. I knew I had been there too long. To be honest blogging had distracted me in almost every area of my life, and I knew I had to get back to what mattered most. I had slacked off in reading my Bible, not being focused on my job, and neglected things around my home. My focus had shifted to those things that weren’t even included in my vision. Whenever I get sidetracked it causes me to get into a place of doubt and unbelief.  See everything that we go through, whether self-inflicted or not, prepares us for that which we’ve prayed and/or asked for.

It almost felt like being the prodigal son. You have everything you could ever ask for, but good just isn’t good enough.  Then you come to your senses and realize that where you were was actually a good place. The scripture written above, brought me back to my senses. The places where I’m wanting to go will have mountains (highs) and valleys (lows), but I have to remember that even when I’m in the valley the rain from heaven is still coming. It’s all about how I look at them. The bible tells us to not despise small beginnings, and sometimes we forget to celebrate those small victories.

Success does not always feel successful!!


Even when we are in our low places, God still watches and cares for us. As I took these pictures, I was reminded of that. I’m not lacking anything, and I’m learning to embrace where I am. We often depend on others to bring us out, but you have to have the will power to come out.  Don’t ever confuse embracing where you are with being comfortable where you are.  Affirmations have really helped me get through. If you’ve  never thought about them, I do encourage them. 

Let me know about some of your valley experiences below. 

Until next time

xoxo Petite Latoya šŸ’œ

12 thoughts on “Out of the Valley in Bell Sleeves + Flared Jeans

  1. lanatria says:

    I was working at Wells Fargo.I thought I had everything .I was promoted from Teller to Service manager in less than 2 years.I was so happy or so I thought.As soon as I got the position co-workers started showing their jealousy and the job begin to get so stressful that I had daily heartburn and diarrheas (tmi ..I know) for over a month.I did my job so well they thought I would take their position so they lied on me about discriminating against another co-worker as I was terminated.I was hurt, embarrassed, and betrayed.I went through a minor depression following that because I had been on so many interviews and received not job offer for 8 months.Now here I am at a pretty decent job, able to follow my passion for fashion and open up about my life experiences.That job was my valley and me getting fired was coming out it, but to me at the time it felt the exact opposite.-Caribbean cowgirl

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    • iampetitelatoya says:

      Wow!! Thank you so much for sharing, I know that had to be hard. We never know why we go through things sometimes, and when we go through we never think about how it it preparing us. Knowing the person you are I know that hard to be hard to hold your composure. You are well on your way to greatness, you are very inspiring!! I work at a bank myself, that’s a different post for a different day lol xoxo


  2. pinkandgabulous says:

    Girl, I get it. Life itself gets so overwhelming at times. I’ve learned that when I start feeling overwhelmed, it means that I’ve not been making the main thing the main thing – God, faith, and family. I’m loving you in this PINK bell-sleeved top and flares, girl. Very cute look!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jaleesa says:

    Latoyaaaa, girl, it’s like you’re in my head! I def needed to read this post. I was just trying to convince myself this morning that I have to WANT to change my mindset, that I have to find the willpower to bring myself out of my “valley”. It’s just so hard to find that strength. I’m still wrapping my mind around embracing where I am right now and enjoying these small beginnings. Keep sharing these affirmations! I def need em.

    Liked by 1 person

    • iampetitelatoya says:

      I’m so glad that you found strength to keep pushing. Fear always tries to creep in. We can talk ourselves out of our blessings can’t we?!? Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing. Looking forward to more from you xoxo PL


  4. styledcolorfully says:

    I think my valley is actually myself, me always feeling not goode enough and me comparing my self to other…me not wanting to things because of the thought of people saying this and that…but I have finally started doing things and not caring so much about what people will say.


    • iampetitelatoya says:

      Amen! That’s what we have to do, and as believers of Christ, we can only go by what he says of us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, intelligent, and masterpieces. That was my valley, but we can’t continue to play small. Someone needs us šŸ˜˜

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